Blog Post

Harley Davidson Service Checklist: 1000, 15000 and 20000 Miles 

  • By Mike's 71 Cycle
  • 13 Dec, 2018

Maintenance Intervals

Purchasing a Harley is a big investment. Maybe you have wanted one your whole life, are a lifelong rider or heard the rumble of the Harley engine and couldn’t resist. Whichever category you fall into, or perhaps you are in a category all your own, following the Harley Davidson Service Checklist, is the way to keep your bike in top condition and avoid potential mechanical problems down the road.

The Harley Davidson Service Checklist is a must for staying safe and keeping your Harley from costing you money on preventable repairs. While there are primary service points for Harley Davidson motorcycles, it will be necessary to reference your owner’s manual for service checkpoints unique to your model and specific year.

While you may be able to make your way through some minor repairs and upgrades, have your dedicated maintenance intervals performed by a certified Harley Mechanic. A Harley mechanic has the proper tool set and the proper knowledge to make sure the job is done right.

If you are looking for an affordable Harley mechanic that is certified and experienced, check out Mike at Mike’s 71 Cycle. Located in Harrisonville, Mike’s 71 Cycle has been providing Harley Davidson motorcycle repair services to the South Kansas City area for over 20 years. From here on out, we’ll just call him Mike the Harley Mechanic.

Below is a general overview of mileage milestones and prescribed maintenance tasks. Whether you have a Touring Bike or a Dyna, the following Harley Davidson Service Checklist fits the mold for what you can expect.

Are you ready to review?

Harley Davidson 1,000 Mile Service Checklist

The 5,000 and 10,000 Mile Checklist


Harley Davidson 15,000 Mile Service Checklist

Harley Davidson 20,000 Mile Service Checklist

Let's do this!

 Harley Davidson 1000 Mile Service Checklist

So, you’ve been out on the road enjoying your new bike and have hit the 1,000-mile marker. Congratulations!  Now it’s time to take your bike to be serviced.

The Harley Davidson 1000 Mile Service Checklist sets the tone for bike performance and gets you going on the right foot. Or shall we say, on the right wheel?

A running theme in the Harley Davidson Service Checklist to keep your bike running smoothly is replacing the engine oil and filter. 

Engine oil lubricates the moving parts of the engine, reduces friction, acts as a coolant, harnesses debris and allows for the internal combustion. Engine oil performs a lot of duties but is often taken for granted.  

As you ride your bike, your engine oil will filter particles and relocate them to the oil filter. The condition of your old engine oil can alert you to potential or “in the now” troubles. Talk to your Harley mechanic about alarming plastics or other items found in the filter.

You want engine oil that prevents corrosion and is formulated for maximum performance. It doesn’t have to be the most expensive. It just has to be right.

The longevity of your engine depends on proper oil levels and changing it as necessary. We’ve seen many engine rebuilds caused by improper oil. So, do yourself a favor and avoid the pothole, but not the oil change.

Moving on. Let’s see what all is on the Harley Davidson 1000 Miles Service Checklist:

  • Replace Engine Oil and Oil Filter
  • Inspect Brake System: brake pads, discs, oil lines, fluid reservoir
  • Inspect Air Filter: service as required
  • Review Tires: pressure, tread, tightness of wheel spokes
  • Check Primary Chain – adjust as necessary, change lubricant, clean magnetic drain plug
  • Check Transmission: replace lubricant
  • Review Clutch: adjust and lubricate, throttle, brake, clutch controls
  • Review Rear Drive Belt and Sprockets: inspect and adjust belt
  • Inspect Jiffy Stand: lubricate
  • Inspect Fuel Valve, Lines and Fittings: look for leaks
  • Inspect Spark Plugs
  • Check Air Suspension
  • Check operation of Electrical Equipment and Switches
  • Check Tightness of all Critical Fasteners: hand controls, brake system, axle nuts, front fork components, riser and handle bar fasteners
  • Inspect Exhaust System: leaks, cracks and loose or missing fasteners or heat shields
  • Road Test

Harley Davidson 5,000 Mile Service Checklist

After completing the Harley Davidson 1000 Miles Service Checklist, you’ve got time to put some miles under your belt. The next recommended service check is at 5,000 miles.

However, don’t forget to check the small things. Get to know your bike. It will let you know if something is amiss. It may be gradual or it may be urgent, but keep in mind sometimes your Harley wants your attention too.

Periodically, take a look at the tires. Road snakes, harsh road conditions, the accidental curb check, all can take a toll. A scratch or unnoticed puncture can lead to a flat tire. That’s no fun.

Did you Know?

Heavy, high-effort handling can be the result of a worn profile or underinflated tires.

If your bike wants to swerve instead of tracking straight, it could be the wheel alignment.

Over-inflated tires will give you a really rough ride.

Mike the Harley Mechanic can give you valuable advice on tire maintenance. Ask questions and get to know a bit about tire trivia. Without a doubt, Mike the Harley Mechanic is one of your best resources. Call today: 816-380-5331

Ok, ok, ok. Enough about tires.

Let’s get down to business on the 5,000 Mile Checkup, it includes:


  • Replace Engine Oil and Oil Filter
  • Inspect Brake System: brake pads, discs, oil lines, fluid reservoir
  • Inspect Air Filter: service as required
  • Review Tires: pressure, tread, tightness of wheel spokes
  • Review Clutch: adjust and lubricate, throttle, brake, clutch controls
  • Review Rear Drive Belt and Sprockets: inspect and adjust belt
  • Inspect Fuel Valve, Lines and Fittings: look for leaks
  • Inspect Spark Plugs
  • Check Air Suspension
  • Check Operation of Electrical Equipment/Switches
  • Inspect Exhaust System: leaks, cracks and loose or missing fasteners or heat shields
  • Road Test

Harley Davidson 10,000 Mile Service Checklist

Here we are at the 10,000 mile service checklist. Bet you are really enjoying your bike, all 10,000 miles of it!

Have you noticed one very important Harley component that has been left out of the first two rounds of the Harley Davison Service Checklist?

The battery! Your battery needs to be checked annually. It cannot wait to be checked at service intervals. Your Harley mechanic will guide you on how to keep your battery charged, especially if you do not ride often.  Improper charging and letting your battery go dead, can be disastrous.

Talk to your Harley go-to for details but please note our few helpful hints on keeping track of your battery.

  • Monthly Visual Inspection
  • Clean the Terminals
  • Look for Loose Connectors
  • Check for Leaks

Taking care of your battery will prevent corrosion and buildup of dirt and harmful sediments. Address leaks immediately and if your Harley isn’t starting, it could be a connector that is not attached properly.

Now that we have quickly covered battery care, we can move on the next maintenance interval and Harley Davidson 10,000 Miles Service Checklist: 

  • Replace Engine Oil and Oil Filter
  • Inspect Brake System: brake pads, discs, oil lines, fluid reservoir
  • Inspect Air Filter: service as required
  • Review Tires: pressure, tread, tightness of wheel spokes
  • Check Primary Chain – adjust as necessary, change lubricant, clean magnetic drain plug
  • Review Clutch: adjust and lubricate, throttle, brake, clutch controls
  • Review Rear Drive Belt and Sprockets: inspect and adjust belt
  • Inspect Jiffy Stand: lubricate
  • Inspect Fuel Valve, Lines and Fittings: look for leaks
  • Inspect Spark Plugs
  • Check Air Suspension
  • Check operation of Electrical Equipment and Switches
  • Check Tightness of all Critical Fasteners: hand controls, brake system, axle nuts, front fork components, riser and handle bar fasteners
  • Inspect Exhaust System: leaks, cracks and loose or missing fasteners or heat shields
  • Road Test

Harley Davidson 15,000 Mile Service Checklist

Depending on how much you ride, it could seem your bike is in the shop often service intervals. On the other hand, if you go for periods of time without riding, they will not come as quickly.  In either scenario, your out-of-pocket cost to repair will be significantly less if you take the Harley Davidson Service Checklist seriously.

Also, let’s talk fork oil for a moment. Fork oil serves two purposes: it provides lubrication for sliding parts and it provides damping. Damping helps with how well your bike adheres to and is affected by bumps in the road or unevenness.

How often should you change your fork oil? That is a very good question. It’s been quoted as every year, every two years, every 30,000 miles, every 50,000 miles and more. The best thing is to check around or ask Mike the Harley Mechanic expert. He can let you know how often the fork fluid level should be checked, what to watch for with the wear rings and what to do if you suspect a leak.

So, what about the Harley Davidson 15,000 Mile Service Checklist?

Let’s take a look:

  • Replace Engine Oil and Oil Filter
  • Inspect Brake System: brake pads, discs, oil lines, fluid reservoir
  • Inspect Air Filter: service as required
  • Review Tires: pressure, tread, tightness of wheel spokes
  • Review Clutch: adjust and lubricate, throttle, brake, clutch controls
  • Review Rear Drive Belt and Sprockets: inspect and adjust belt
  • Inspect Fuel Valve, Lines and Fittings: look for leaks
  • Inspect Spark Plugs
  • Check Air Suspension
  • Check operation of Electrical Equipment and Switches
  • Inspect Exhaust System: leaks, cracks and loose or missing fasteners or heat shields
  • Road Test

If you think there is a lot of familiarity between the Harley Davidson 1000 Mile Service Checklist, Harley Davidson 5000 Mile Service Checklist, Harley Davidson 10,000 Mile Service Checklist and the Harley Davidson 15,000 Mile Service Checklist, you are correct! With years and years to perfect their brand, Harley knows what needs to serviced and on what timeframe to keep their bikes running in perfect condition.  

Please keep in mind the items listed on supplied Harley Davidson Service Checklist intervals are broad itemizations. Specifics will vary from model to model. For details, reference your owner’s manual or call Mike the Harley Mechanic at 816-380-5331.

Harley Davidson 20,000 Mile Service Checklist

This is a great place to be. You’ve been through a lot with your bike after 20,000 miles. If you picked up your Harley sometime into its mileage, that’s great too. The important thing is you’ve stayed committed all the way to the Harley Davidson 20,000 Mile Service Checklist.

Before we dive in, there is something worth mentioning. Some Harley Davidson service tasks require proper tools and service data. Even though it may be tempting to do part of a service check in your garage, a certified Harley mechanic should always service certain tasks. These service tasks are related to: the brake system and oil lines, spoke wheels, clutch and components, drive belt and sprockets, jiffy stand, fuel lines and critical fasteners.

Without further delay, here is the Harley Davidson 20,000 Mile Service Checklist.

  • Replace Engine Oil and Oil Filter
  • Inspect Brake System: brake pads, discs, oil lines, fluid reservoir
  • Inspect Air Filter: service as required
  • Review Tires: pressure, tread, tightness of wheel spokes
  • Check Primary Chain – adjust as necessary, change lubricant, clean magnetic drain plug
  • Check Transmission: replace lubricant
  • Review Clutch: adjust and lubricate, throttle, brake, clutch controls
  • Review Rear Drive Belt and Sprockets: inspect and adjust belt
  • Inspect Jiffy Stand: lubricate
  • Inspect Fuel Valve, Lines and Fittings: look for leaks
  • Inspect Spark Plugs and Replace Spark Plugs
  • Check Air Suspension
  • Check operation of Electrical Equipment and Switches
  • Check Tightness of all Critical Fasteners: hand controls, brake system, axle nuts, front fork components, riser and handle bar fasteners
  • Inspect Exhaust System: leaks, cracks and loose or missing fasteners or heat shields
  • Road Test

Increase the Longevity of Your Harley

Following protocol with the Harley service intervals is a great way to increase the longevity of your bike. It will run smoother, perform better and save you money on costly repairs.

To maximize your Harleys potential, talk with Mike the Harley Mechanic about winterizing your ride along with a Spring Checklist. Taking proper precautions for cooler, colder, warm, hot and Midwestern weather will not only keep you on the road, it will make it easier to pull the bike out when it’s time to ride.

Mike’s 71 Cycle

Are you looking for a good, certified and affordable Harley mechanic? Check out Mike’s 71 Cycle in Harrisonville, MO. Serving South Kansas City, Mike is Harley certified and has been working from the Harley Davidson Service Checklist for over 17 years.

A Harley enthusiast, Mike provides qualified, affordable Harley repair, maintenance, service checks, and has a bunch of Harley knowledge. All Harley types, makes and models are welcome and encouraged. Call or stop by and see Mike today!

Mike’s 71 Cycle


By Mike's 71 Cycle December 3, 2018
Read the Mike's 71 Cycle blog on proper Harley Davidson Maintenance. Proper maintenance is key in keeping your bike on the road!
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